Camp like a smurf
Feel like you're camping like a smurf, almost. Mushroom camping area are a series of campsites which have a mushroom like shelter over each sites picnic tables (except for one that has a different shaped structure) Each covered area sits on a concrete pad and has two picnic tables. Site also has a metal fire ring. The spots all have plenty of grass around them for your tents. These sites are listed as primitive so cost only $12.75 for the night. Their is a vault toilet in the area, but it is only really conveniently located near two of the sites. These sites are spaced far apart from each other. No water available in the camping area, but you can get it and other services from some of the other campgrounds in the area. Most of the sites sit out in the open. The site I stayed at did have two trees which I was able to use for my hammock.