Tears Because of the Mountain Pine Beetle
Open: Differs by loop May- Oct
Fees: $26.00-$52.00 Check web site
Stay Limit: 7 days Reservations: 877-444-6777 or recreation.gov
Sites: 129 for tent, trailer and RV's with 21 electric
Picnic table, fire ring, tent pad, flush and pit toilets, showers, drinking water, dump station, trash
There are some amazing views of Grand Lake. If you love to boat, sail, swim, fish, hike or ride horses this is your location. In the fall the colors can be wonderful. This campground is located at 8,300 feet on the north shores of Lake Grand. Be prepared for the devastating damage the Mountain Pine beetle has done and continues to do to the forest. The rangers are working to take down and remove dead pines. Be careful hiking in the woods because of the danger of falling limbs and trees.
Directions: 8 miles northwest of Grandby on US Highway 34.
Clean, Drain, Dry
Stay safe