Scoped it out...
We have not camped at Larabee State Park, but we did scope it out during a recent visit to Bellingham. Here’s what we saw:
-Great newer looking playground for kids: bonus for families!
-The Park is right next to a train track: and the trains go by frequently. Could be cool for kiddos. Could be a nightmare at bed time.
-We only saw the first loop of sites closest to the park entrance. They seem to look very close together, so privacy is pretty out the window. There are walk-in sites that you can book if you want better privacy.
-The sites back by the bathroom seem to look larger and more private.
-There are hiking trails and bike trails nearby.
-If you want to go out to eat: Bellingham is nearby!
We will book here in the future—and probably go for a Walk-In site.