Beckler river road campsites
I headed to this campground with the intention of grabbing a site, it was around 3pm on a Saturday so I figured I was out of luck and continued on down the road to look for a spot to camp next to the river, since I have a rooftop tent the space didn’t really matter. The drive alone was scenic, you could hear the river flowing. I took first entrance leading towards the river and sure enough there were people already camping (free might I add) of course it’s very primitive since there are no tables or restrooms (remember, 200 ft min from the river if you want to relieve yourself. Use biodegradable tp to keep it environmentally friendly). Roads are sedan friendly btw. I continued on and found many nice looking sites right next to the river but they were all taken, I mean...3pm on a Saturday? Lol. I headed back towards the campground and made one last attempt at the first turn off and landed a site, not super close to the river but it worked out. I’m pretty sure the campground is great and maybe I’ll check it out one day, but for now with a rooftop tent any spot can be turned into a campsite.
Leave to trace behind Pack it in pack it out