Sun Cove Resort
Reviewed Jul. 20, 2021

Horrible owners, disgusting amenities, illegal dumping of sewage

While Visiting Sun Cove Resort recently I became extremely alarmed. This place seems to be ran by a couple that love to yell, scream and fight with everyone especially their guests. I witnessed 2 assaults led by the property owner on Friday July 16th. I noticed that there is a very high smell of sewage and the cove is covered with garbage. The property owner appears to be a hoarder of garbage, rotting building materials, garbage and old vehicles. There is garbage strung all around the property. The docks are unsafe and I do not recommend children or seniors to be left alone on the docks or around them. There are broken boards and large lag bolts sticking up all over the place. Anyone that is sue happy could make some easy money here. Serious attention by law enforcement and code enforcement officers is needed immediately. The property owner Andy Louie brags about not getting permits for the electrical and septic system he installed and added to over the last few years without a permit. This place sells beer without a license, the owners dump garbage and human waste into the lake. The public bathrooms do not have a safe entrance that is up to building code and the owners will steal from you every chance they get. They are often seen looking into peoples cars and trying to access locked rv trailers for no reason. Anyone else hear or see anything like this at this location? Please report it to the local Sheriff and to the building and health department as soon as possible. A basic google search of Andy Louie slumlord will bring up plenty of information by multiple people complaining about his business practices and illegal activities. Activists wanted to firce the state and county to take action against the property owners

Month of VisitJuly
  • Review photo of Sun Cove Resort by Youcle A., July 20, 2021
  • Review photo of Sun Cove Resort by Youcle A., July 20, 2021
  • Review photo of Sun Cove Resort by Youcle A., July 20, 2021
  • Review photo of Sun Cove Resort by Youcle A., July 20, 2021
  • Review photo of Sun Cove Resort by Youcle A., July 20, 2021