Good Enough, Nice View, Nobody Else There
Id say this place is good enough. Needed a spot in the area within 30 mins close to highway quiet dark secluded and it fit the bill
No one else there
Vast huge area
Nice mountain view
Nice breeze
Good temp in June
Beautiful night sky
Quiet enough in eve and early AM
Not many bugs
Super close to highway, right there
Some trash left behind in some areas
A highway patrol and dune buggy whizzed by next day super loud. There are giant mounds of gravel the dune buggy rides. We were there sleeping til 12pm tho so prob fine if u leave at a decent AM time
Could hear the highway slightly, not enough i needed ear plugs tho and Im sensitive to sound when sleeping
Got hot during day til 12pm
Its gravel
Not super nature-y cuz its all gravel under you and mounds of gravel, good views arnd far away tho