Fee: $4.00 camping per night
$2.00 day use fee
Limit: 14 days
28 days on selected sites
Sites: 37 RV or tent sites but some are closed along with 2 bathrooms
due to tornado damage
Set in the rolling hills of east Texas you will find trash service, water, portapots instead of bathrooms. Hunting season saw several sites were taken. Toledo Bend Reservoir is on the Sabine River and has an area of 185,000 acres. It is the largest man made body of water partially in Louisiana and Texas and the largest in the south. The fifth largest by surface in the United States. Deepest is at 110 feet and they do have alligators. There are stumps and other under water obstructions so be careful while in the water.
Buffalo Hide loop was the best camping loop with views of the water but there were no water sites.
Travel safe