Robbers Roost Primitive Campsite — Big Bend National Park
Reviewed Apr. 29, 2020

great place for beauty and solitude

3 large sites that share one parking area.  vistas and views are incredible and almost located exactly in the "middle of nowhere".  wonderful place to watch sun rise and set over mountains.  One large bear box that is shared by all three tent sites. great base camp to explore the southern half of the park and you could spend your entire trip never seeing a paved road.  Around 20-30 mnt travel time from Panther Junction to site.  There is one considerable dip in road leading to site that may prevent all but the shortest tongued pull behinds from reaching the site. If you do get a trailer there, it will be staged in the parking area as the wooden borders that designate the tent camp areas are too narrow to get any vehicle thru. Be prepared to be isolated and tranquil and all the beauty that comes with it!!