South Steens Campground
Reviewed Jun. 24, 2021

Quiet and remote, a jump off to the unreal

Stayed a little bit up from the campsite in the wilderness. Beautiful approach to this area, the canyons are impressive. Remote and quiet, if that’s what you’re looking for. This will never get much traffic. And then, right next door you wake up the next morning to find an incredible natural wonderland. Huge canyons, old glacial relics, a radical canyon wall that drops off to a sand dunes desert...spend a day, spend days wondering around the canyons and summits of this mountain range. Unreal beauty and so untouched, so out of the way as to almost have it to yourself.

Month of VisitJune
  • Review photo of South Steens Campground by Christopher  B., June 24, 2021
  • Review photo of South Steens Campground by Christopher  B., June 24, 2021