They Said “Build a Park...Name Your Price”
The gold standard as far as outlay logic, separating spaces and making them all huge and inviting, and rewarding people for getting up and exploring. I couldn’t believe the openness and intuition. Every time I said something to myself like “I wonder if there’s a put-in place for boats,” it magically appeared. People seem happy to be here and there’s space for those happy loners too. Tons of little trails that tempt and reward the imagination. The campsites themselves are nothing special as far as size, distance from each other and distance from roads - I love little 100 feet winding trails down to more private sites - which is a shame considering the sheer overall acreage here. But there’s also nothing subpar about it either. Get your tent site up, get out to the picnic areas and beach, and tip a beer (or seltzer with frozen fruit) to your neighbors.