Along the river and redwoods
North side of Chetco River. 8 miles east of Brookings. First come First Serve. BE there early, people try to save spots for friends but you better be paying for the spot. We stayed for one night, by the next morning as we were loading up, kids were riding their bikes saw we were going to leave and one stayed by while the other went to get parents, who checked with us and went to pay for the spot we were vacating. $24 a night with water and elec. $7 for extra vehicles. Do have three cabins that are reservable through ReserveAmerica. You are close to a Redwood Natural Trailhead loop. From campground to trailhead is .8 miles, then a 1.2 mile loop. Round trip 4miles, can drive up to park at trailhead. This was the only Oregon State Park that would not allow fires at the time we visited.