Spencer Creek
Reviewed Oct. 16, 2022

Fishing folks take precedence over paying campers

Beautiful view, quiet, but annoying folks. There is one site, B69, that someone needs to have the ability and the common sense to leave it as part of the day use area. There is a man-made path directly behind where a camper/rv parks that leads down to the shore/lake, that is heavily used by those who fish. In other words, they can and will, invade upon your site, your privacy, your solitude, all day, every day, to use this path to go fishing. So, even though the site is occupied by a PAYING camper, the hosts favor those free, day use fishermen, to allow them access to the lake for their pleasure. You, the paying camper, your pleasure does not matter. Mind you, this is NOT the only way down to the lake, just most convenient. There is no respect, common courtesy or consideration towards the camper who has PAID for the site, at all. The hosts may offer to move you, but if a person picks a specific site, why should they have to move to a different site? During the open season, find a different path to get to the lake!

Month of VisitOctober