Granville City Park
Reviewed Aug. 12, 2016

Granville City Park

Bicycling along the Northern Tier, we stopped to spend the night in the Granville city park. The pipes froze over winter in the bathroom and were still not fixed. The mayor and plumber worked on fixing it well into the night. There was an outhouse available for us until they fixed the plumbing. At least they had a backup for us or it coud have been tough. The mosquitos were quite lively but they seemed to like the shade better than the sun. It was worth it to stay in the sun a little more to evade those pesky biters.

I am loving the way these small towns make their parks available to camp in. Most people in town will stop and talk with you. These are great opportunities that shouldn't be passed up.

  • Review photo of Granville City Park by Art S., August 12, 2016
  • Review photo of Granville City Park by Art S., August 12, 2016
  • Review photo of Granville City Park by Art S., August 12, 2016