Sierra Vista
mThe Dyrt PRO User
Reviewed May. 24, 2024

Best Sites are Up There!

As some of the reviews have said, the "disperse" sites are very groomed and close to one another, but if you keep driving beyond them, the road narrows a bit, goes down hill and turns right uphill.  On that uphill there's a very wide and deep slash from washout, diagonally across the road. I've got 4-WD so I stopped my truck, got out, walked the area, determined my line, got back in and drove the line; no worries.  Then the gravel/dirt road just winds up this hill with some sites that are far apart and barely there.  Beauty.  At night the lights of Las Cruses look lovely and are far enough away to still see the stars.  I'll go there again for sure.

Month of VisitMay
  • Review photo of Sierra Vista  by marty E., May 24, 2024