Large campground on a lake by a main road
This rating is only based upon what we look for in a campground. You may enjoy this type of adventure.
Our campsite is the furthest non electric from the restrooms and they put a vault toilet right next to the main restroom instead of over this way. We do have wonderful evening shade which is helpful on this hot weekend. However the main road is 20 yards away. The vegetation doesn’t stop the noise level. There is water, garbage and a dump station. Even with our small setup we squeezed into our site (on our last day we realized that the site was larger but it wasn’t well marked).
The campground etiquette is another issue we faced. Kids playing is wonderful is camp. However at night the volume went up. At 11 pm someone started up loud music with bass cutting through into our sleep. Between 12 and 1 people were still partying but also driving through camp. The narrow spacing means headlights in our camper. Having fun is great but it’s also important to respect your neighbor campers. It did settle down after the first night but we still had field hockey pucks hitting our camper a few times.
There is a beach and picnic area which is also a nice place to walk the dog. The sandy beach was popular on this hot weekend. There is a large picnic shelter too. At the end is the boat launch. This is a larger lake so we have seen plenty of boats. The road through this area is almost a mile long. A trail heads out from there and goes into the woods across the road. It was longer than expected and didn’t have clear trail markers so we struggled to get back before it got dark. However it was great having a trail a few miles long right from camp.
This place wasn’t for us but then again this is only one weekend of campers. Perhaps it will be much different for your experience.