Hide Away Park Campground
Reviewed Jul. 14, 2024


Thank you to EVERYONE who takes time to REVIEW! ….WHEW!! This year seems every place is FULL or Closed for repairs or High polluted numbers. many are struggling finding someplace to go, and People do READ REVIEWS, and this “ OLD HAG”

Really needs a class in “ consumer relations “ I have been in retail for 30 plus years and THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT, there is NO. “ what did you do to deserve to be treated THAT way? GOOD LUCK finding a NEW JOB when you don’t have one because THIS joint gets shut down do ton Bankruptcy….. hahahaha… you may think you’re smart NOW, but when you get served a dose of you’re OWN medicine out in the REAL WORLD.. well, I’d  give anything to see that…

Making people’s lives miserable who just want to have a good time? How fucking miserable are YOU?

Month of VisitJuly