Great Overnighter
This review is from the point of view of an overnight or short-stay campground(CG) versus a destination CG. The CG was easy to get to as it was right off the interstate and adjacent to the Loves main facility. We did the online check-in, but a nice gentleman met us for a formal check-in at their gate and office/shower/laundry facility. We then proceeded to pull through site 43 with full hookups. We paid$42 for the night with a military discount, plus$2.70 in transient tax and a$3.00 booking fee. The CG is fairly new, as our RV GPS didn’t show this Loves address. The campsites are decently spaced, and all the utilities worked fine. As this is a new CG, there are no trees, so no problem with satellite, plus there are plenty of OTA channels. We got 3 bars on Verizon. The water pressure is also good at around 50 psi. There are little barbecue pavilions and a community fire pit. We were pleasantly surprised at the adequately sized fenced dog area with separate large and small dog areas. There is a concrete sidewalk that leads you out of the CG over to the Loves facility. As this RV Park is right off the interstate, you get highway noise.