Branch Brook Campground
Charlie & Danielle B.
Reviewed Oct. 24, 2022

Not great, no awful, just average

Pros: Better wi-fi than most campgrounds. My wife and I both were able to work with mostly no issues, though there were some situations where it would go out. Same with streaming, we could stream a show but it would occasionally have to buffer so it wasn’t great but again, better than most campgrounds. Spaces were decent sized. We were in site 16 and it was on the creek which was a decent view and gave us plenty of space to sit outside and for our dog to have space to roam.

Cons: As a disclaimer to this I want to emphasize that we had nothing physically dangerous happen to us nor any real threat of that. However, my wife just felt it important to mention that as a woman she would have felt unsafe camping here alone due to the fact that it was mostly men camping here, one of which did make her feel a bit uncomfortable. So she just felt it was good to warn any potential women who might be camping alone that this may not feel like the safest campground for you. Our site had a “deck” outside which was great but it had some very weak boards that you could have easily fallen through. They did have mats over those spots (as pictured) but it still felt very unsafe to walk on. Other reviews have mentioned that it didn’t seem like the office was ever opened and while we never had a reason to go to the office, it was closed early in the day when we arrived and we never saw anyone who appeared to work for this campground so I can imagine it could have been difficult to get any assistance if you needed it.

Overall: Not the worst place you could stay at by any means but definitely not the best. Just a very average campground that’s probably best for if you’re just passing through the area.

Month of VisitNovember
  • Review photo of Branch Brook Campground by Charlie & Danielle B., October 24, 2022
  • Review photo of Branch Brook Campground by Charlie & Danielle B., October 24, 2022
  • Review photo of Branch Brook Campground by Charlie & Danielle B., October 24, 2022
  • Review photo of Branch Brook Campground by Charlie & Danielle B., October 24, 2022
  • Review photo of Branch Brook Campground by Charlie & Danielle B., October 24, 2022
  • Review photo of Branch Brook Campground by Charlie & Danielle B., October 24, 2022
  • Review photo of Branch Brook Campground by Charlie & Danielle B., October 24, 2022