Turquoise Lake Primitive Camping
Joe A.
Reviewed Jul. 1, 2021

Boondocking at its best.

Great neighbors nearby, very calm and quiet seniors. A little too crowded for my taste though. There are about a dozen campers in this meadow and no kids in the group. Ah, peace and quiet. I came here to escape the heat in the Northwest. Daytime high around 65, nighttime lows around 40 with partly cloudy skies and thundershowers in the afternoon.

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Month of VisitJuly
  • Review photo of Turquoise Lake Primitive Camping by Joe A., July 1, 2021
  • Review photo of Turquoise Lake Primitive Camping by Joe A., July 1, 2021
  • Review photo of Turquoise Lake Primitive Camping by Joe A., July 1, 2021