Horse Flat Campground
Reviewed May. 12, 2023

No Upkeep

We visited early Oct 22.

The first review for this campground is not for this campground. 

The road up the the campground is a rough dirt road. Eagle Creek is a beautiful creek as are most of the creeks coming out of the Trinity Alps. We live on one of these creeks near Weaverville. The campground proper has not been maintained. Very little evidence of recent campers. Many of the sites have been degraded by debris carried by flooding. The turn around at the end of the campground road has serious washout problems. The campground road is narrow. Trees are dying causing danger from falling limbs &/or trees. The canopy is dense enough that there is very little sunlight. There are a few sites below the road that are nicer & next to creek but parking is sparse. We spent about 3 hours there before deciding to find a more hospitible camping site. Verizion (best carrier for Trinity Co) coverage was nonexistant.

Month of VisitOctober