Camp 4 — Yosemite National Park
Reviewed Sep. 1, 2020

Social Camping & Sharing At It's Best

I am a tent camper and I am not a climber.  And I usually have some "youths" with me when I camp.  I stand in line for Camp 4 for a reason.  It is where most of the campers are climbers.  You share your site with others.  It is a great place to learn to share and also a great place just for campfire stories and to meet your neighbors. Best climbings stories ever are shared here.

When I feel socialable this is a good place to be. You will share a site, probabaly a food storage locker and be close to your neighbors.  If you do not store your food in the locker you will have visitors.  The large bear kind or the small aggressive ground squirrel kind.

You are in Yosemite Valley on the bus line.  You can get anywhere from here.