Gunter Hill
Reviewed Jun. 26, 2024

Very nice campground

Wow, this is such a pretty campground! Our site is absolutely huge! I absolutely love all of the trees!! Unfortunately, it’s still 97° out. 🤣 We are in the shade for most of the day. With a fan, it wasn’t too bad sitting outside in the shade. I am so excited to see the lightning bugs. We don’t have them in my part of FL.

We have one bathhouse near our site (across from site 34), which appears to be older. I do love that the water is regulated and will only be on for a short amount of time. The lights have a motion sensor, which is a great idea. Unfortunately as I was getting dressed, the light turned off and wouldn’t turn back on. I had to open the door and flail around to get it to turn back on. Sorry for anyone who may have witnessed that. lol I was covered up, I promise. The water did not drain where the changing area is. The water just puddled there. We ran across the bathhouse by site 71 and that one is way better. It has AC too, which was nice in this heat. Yes, we use the showers at campgrounds. This also has washers and dryers, but both washers are broken. 😞 Our RV shower is really small and I like to actually move my arms around while showering. Please don’t criticize us for our decision.

Our unfortunate event: while sitting outside, something smell really rancid. Unfortunately, people before us lost their dog. We walked down to look at the water and that’s when we discovered the body. 🥺 I called the front office and they were able to confirm that it was the lost dog. We were unable to sit outside most of the time because of the decay smell drifting up to our site. We hoped the ranger would have come here to pick up the body for the people, but they never showed up. Not the camp hosts responsibility at all and I’m not blaming them. I hope the owners were able to get some closure, but I can’t imagine how they feel.

SiteCatoma 32
Month of VisitJuly