Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park
Jimmy P.
Reviewed Sep. 7, 2017

Ranger Review: CRKT WOODS KANGEE T-HAWK at Peninsula State Park, WI

Campground Review

Welcker's Point is a well-shaded but somewhat open campground at the north end of the state park. The sites are nicely sized and very comfortable. There is a lot of poison ivy, but as long as you stay on the campsites and the road, you'll be fine. Even though it is shaded, the spacing in the trees allow nice airflow off the bay.

Everything within the park is connected by trails and roads, and most attractions in the park are around a five minute drive.

There were a lot of people in the park, but it was during the week and there were some empty sites in our campground.

The beach was very nice, though not very large. The nature center was packing with information about the animals there and we even got to watch a monarch butterfly come out of its chrysalis!

Product Review

As a Ranger for The Dyrt, I get products to test from time to time, this time I got to test the CRKT Woods Kangee T-hawk ax.

I'm no t-hawk expert or ax expert, but I have used a few different style axes, mauls, splitting axes, and hatchets. I bought this t-hawk thinking that it 1) looked cool and 2) would be able to replace my hatchet, which is a pretty cheap, but functional tool. 

When I got the axe and tried it out, I found that it was really cool looking, but isn't a replacement for a hatchet if your primary function is splitting wood at the campsite. I found it to be ok at splitting, but due to the taper, then the round part of the head, it won't always go deep enough to split effectively. 

What the Woods Kangee does really well is chopping. It was more than twice as fast at chopping compared to my hatchet. The shape of the axe is ideal for chopping quickly and efficiently.

The other use could be in a tactical/apocalyptic situation. The style of the Kangee with the spike at the back is intimidating enough that it could prevent conflict altogether, but if conflict ensues, I'm confident it would be an effective weapon. Those zombies don't stand a chance!

The t-hawk handle is hickory and feels great in your hand, not slippery at all. The head is a carbon steel and seems to hold its edge well. It was pretty sharp from the factory for me, but could be sharper.

Site 535 in Welcker's Point Campground
Month of VisitSeptember
  • Review photo of Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park by Jimmy P., September 7, 2017
  • Review photo of Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park by Jimmy P., September 7, 2017
  • Review photo of Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park by Jimmy P., September 7, 2017
  • Review photo of Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park by Jimmy P., September 7, 2017
  • Review photo of Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park by Jimmy P., September 7, 2017
  • Review photo of Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park by Jimmy P., September 7, 2017
  • Review photo of Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park by Jimmy P., September 7, 2017
  • Review photo of Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park by Jimmy P., September 7, 2017
  • Review photo of Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park by Jimmy P., September 7, 2017
  • Review photo of Welcker's Point Campground — Peninsula State Park by Jimmy P., September 7, 2017