States Opening Up

Here in Texas our stay at home order expires later this week. With that they are beginning to open up things for people once again (which is really nice if done correctly when it comes to outdoor spaces). Currently there are many other states which are allowing outdoor space use as well in a limited capacity. I noticed Oklahoma is allowing outdoor space use for hiking, fishing etc and in some areas camping. This allowed me to get out of the house for the first time in a while and feel back to normal without any worry about neighbors because the sites were large and spacious. Would love to know other states which are doing this and if as a person from another state we should know anything specific.

For example… Texas is allowing only online reservations for day use at this time, but I noticed those camps open in Oklahoma were doing kiosk systems or pay online for both day use and camping with limits placed on how many they accept daily currently.

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New York hasn’t actually even closed its campgrounds. It is enforcing a certain number of people allowed in per day, and posting MANY social distancing rules. Many State Parks are now temporarily closed, but it’s actually that they are closed TO ANY MORE people coming, since many people are choosing to self-quarantine and isolate themselves AT the state parks.

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Great to know!!! I was initially taking a 2 month road trip in that direction this year hoping to make it all the way to Maine but as everything started to unfold I thought those states being more populated might be better served on another summer trip next year so they can be fully enjoyed!!! You all have some amazing places up there for sure!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Everything in Oregon is still closed, not allowed to even go to forests for day use. But on May 4th, Washington is opening up for day use. So I’ll be able to go up there and do some hikes


Well May the 4th be with you!!! I was really hoping all would be better so I could get a few more uses out of my Washington pass this year and then give Oregon a second chance since it kicked my butt last year… but it is looking more and more like that won’t be possible til camping is a little more available up there

Hi Bunny, Matildas Lakeside Store & RV Park is OPEN as an essential business and we have plenty of spaces available. All welcome. We are located near Bowie TX (about halfway between DFW & Wichita Falls). We are across the road from Lake Amon Carter. Great fishing. Friendly campers. Excellent Service. Please come on by…
p 940 872 3581

You all are right in my backyard since I am in Sunset. I usually travel a bit further away from home but might have to swing out there to check it out and do a Ranger Review at some point!!!

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Thanks Bunny! Be sure to come on Friday or Saturday night for best catfish meal in TX. Our rv spots are mostly vacant at the moment due to people losing their jobs and people unable to travel due to covid. It’s sad. We need more campers and will do anything to get them. Any ideas of how we can promote our park would be very welcome. Take care and we look forward to meeting you. Sally

As much as I would love to go camping and be on the road, I think keeping the state parks, NP, and FS closed for a bit longer would be beneficial for our health. There are people who are irresponsible and does not follow regulations. A second wave of this virus is expected to occur and countries who have opened up has seen an increase in the number of cases.

Georgia parks have been open the entire time. We have made 4 trips, I am typing this on our fourth, and have 2 more booked.

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for anyone who doesn’t know the Dyrt is constantly updating an article about camping closures in every state!


Our Governor has outlined a month-by-month plan for Maine. Campgrounds and other lodging are set to reopen in June, that includes a lot of State Parks. Though she just announced yesterday that we’re now going to be able to triple our testing and that will lead to some changes to the plan that she rolled out earlier.

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Ive been seeing this list and LOVING it…

Camping this year has been a bust with Oregon closed until July 6th and then even then, it’s limited. I’m not sure when the parks will open back up since the primitive camping and trails were just closed this week. Every year we make a 5 day trip to Peterson Prairie in Washington, I’m afraid it’s still going to be shut down. We’ll have to do the winter camping only this year.

New Hampshire and Maine are open for residents only or for out of state residents who quarantine for 14 days prior to camping. Here in Massachusetts the campgrounds are still closed; Monday our governor will reveal the first steps to relaxing restrictions, so who knows.

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I am confused as to the quarantine for 14 days… how do they know if you are following correctly with the eased restrictions… it is all so confusing from state to state on how they implement and enforce this… I just wish there was a more universal set of terms and enforcement that is what makes it harder to travel …lol

primitive camping was only closed on State Forests - you can still primitive camp on any federal forests :slight_smile:

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good to know… I noticed here (TEXAS) some of the federal sites are open on one portion of camping and not others… even in primitive areas… kinda strange how they are staggering all these roll outs and leaving it to the discretion of each district office

Florida is closed to camping (except private campgrounds) until the 20th of May but that may be extended. Parks are open for day use, but at a limited capacity and once they hit that number they close to new visitors for the day.

OK, so yesterday the Massachusetts governor released his phase 1 plan. Some campgrounds can open May 25, but only to self-contained trailers/RVs, with toilets, showers, kitchens, holding tanks; the’ll also allow cabins to open if private bathrooms. Must be occupied by single households. All of this was buried in the details; the main listing says that campgrounds will open in Phase 2, which will not begin before June 8 and there are no details about what THAT will look like. A friend shared an article yesterday from a campground that will only open for seasonal campers this summer and all facilities will be closed.Bourne Campgrounds ready to open