Tina A.

Norcross j, GA

Joined August 2018

First to Review
Very large sites, on a cow farm, quiet and mostly full-timers

Each site is quite large, I’ve never seen such large campsites before. There is a bathhouse and two laundry rooms. It’s on a cow farm, and sometimes the cows get lose but are sweet and generally stay right by the fence anyway. The owners live on property and are very helpful. If you live there full time you can set up your space however you can wish as long as it’s neat.

First to Review
Crowded but quiet

There is a nice laundromat, a bathhouse, and a space at the back of the campground for people who live full time in their campers. There’s also smaller trailer homes on another side of the park too. It’s pretty close to the highway so at night you can hear the cars. Everyone is really nice, neighbors help each other if needed, and it’s very quiet too.