Annuals run the place and take up the most desirable sites. Other sites are unlevel and muddy. Coreen, Donna and other management and rangers are grumpy and less than helpful. Many rules obviously being broken are ignored, including large dogs not on leads, children running around unsupervised, fences being put up around rugs next to trailers, large refrigerators up around trailers, campers being parked and left for days at a time in order to save the spot for themself for the weekend, excessive alchole use while driving golf carts, so many golf carts. Requiring golf carts being electric by Management but they still use gas powered everything including lawn mowers. Water, electricity, and the pool do not work consistently. They have an excuse for everything there. Bad pot holes in roads. RV’s being washed by a business advertised there and spray getting on others property and cars. Noisy. Putt putt and other amenities in disrepair.