Stunning Day Hike

This is a very nice clean park. Enjoy hiking and climbing on all of the rock formations and the stunning view. Wasn't too busy but we were there on a Monday mid-afternoon.

Charming Place

We drove up through the Amish Country. Saw a lady mowing her lawn barefoot with a horse. We made it up to the ferry which is a quick fun ride. By the time we got to Cave-in Rock, we were hungry. There is a little diner right inside the park that I cannot say enough great things about! We all thought we would grab something light before we hiked but once we saw the menu and the prices we could not pass on some hearty comfort food and a beer served in an ice cold mug! The waitress was so sweet and took our picture for us and gave us directions to get to Garden of the Gods on our way out. We did not actually camp here but the cabins looked really nice and with a view of the river. I would definitely go back and recommend!

Short Hike to Springs

We went the weekend before Memorial Weekend and had absolutely no problem finding a spot. They were nice with variety between tucked away and fairly open spots. There are trailheads that lead down to the springs or you can just hike around. The springs were a great way to cool off on a hot day. There was actually a ton of people down there during the day but it didn't feel too crowded or dirty, everyone was having a good time letting the dogs run, or swimming. We took a hike at night and my dog stuck her snout right in a snake's face. It hissed and rattled at us but we hurried off and it left us alone thankfully. The spigots didn't pump water while we were there, must have been dried up. Overall a good experience! I would reccomend