Not sure if you can actually camp

I took the directions to coordinates and couldn’t quite find where it designated camping. We followed an off shoot of the Gemini Bridges trail and found a secluded spot that looks like it is frequently camped, but I don’t think it’s allowed. We camped anyway and didn’t have any issues and enjoyed the spot and had a little cell service on top of the rocks, it was the fork right before a large incline in trail where it gets pretty off roady. We went left and ended up by a bike trail. Pretty decent spot just hard to find actual spots. You should probably have high clearance 4x4 to prevent vehicle damage.

Free camping near GCNP

Free camping along the rode, we passed about 10 people before coming to a spot from GCNP. Camped next to the watch tower. Our spot was close to road so lacked toilet privacy, but the other spots were farther off the road. Perfect spot to camp and drive 5 minutes into GCNP.

Decent spot

It’s a decent spot. Here first week of November, there were about 3 other campers. There is a dozen spots or so. Big RV at the spot shown in photos so that wasn’t available. I’ve found a fair amount of trash and toiletries around a couple camp sites. Decent views from a couple spots.