Horseshoe Lake State Park Campground
Reviewed May. 21, 2022

Horseshoe Lake - 5 Star

Horseshoe Lake is one of my most visited parks and most favorite park in the STL and surrounding areas. First off absolutely beautiful land and peace is easily achieved. Self service pay system makes it simple, easy, and fast. Camping can be reserved but no need. Just pick your spot go to the office building, and fill out the form, pay and slide in envelope and drop in box. Staff/ Security is super friendly and helpful with directing throughout the park. Also not nosy and mind their own unless you are just being that guy. Clean and well kept up with spots, water Spickets never far from your camp also nice cast iron fire pits. Good fishing, trails and memories waiting to be made.

8$ a night

SiteCamp Site 26- next to bathrooms
Month of VisitJune