Cottonwood Campground — Boyd Lake State Park
David R.
Reviewed Aug. 28, 2020

Great Campground

Long drive from Nebraska and got to campground around 4pm.  Had reserved site on drive.  Glad I did, because when I got there, they had already filled for the night.

Accessed site and set up my tent under the small (very, very, very small) tree/bush on the grass/gravel side of the site.  The parking area was quite large and allowed me to spread out and do a repair (again) to a burnt out headlight.  

I was able to get my bike out and do a quick ride around the area, even going over to Mariner Point.  Great views and excellent conditions to ride.  

Headed out to the local area to get some groceries and returned to cook at the site.  The other campers were very nice and had nice conversation and a couple beers with the nearby sites.  This was the 5th campground in 7 days on a solo tour, so was nice to have people around.

The next morning I was able to get up at a late 630am (after several 5am wake up calls in other campgrounds) and get in a 10 mile bike ride before making some breakfast and breaking camp.  My site was totally packed and ready to roll by 9am on my way to Wyoming.

This is on my shortlist of places to return to in Colorado.

Month of VisitSeptember
  • Review photo of Cottonwood Campground — Boyd Lake State Park by David R., August 28, 2020