Limekiln State Park - TEMPORARILY CLOSED
Reviewed Jul. 9, 2019

Very Unhappy

I have to disagree with the vast majority of reviews on this site for this campground. After reading all of these reviews, I was very excited to camp here! We even splurged and got one of the "ocean" campsites. However, we were very very very disappointed. Their ocean campsites are mostly located on a large dirt lot directly under highway 1. There is no separation between you and the next campsite other than a log or some rocks so expect zero privacy. The highway itself is very loud throughout the day and into the night. The bathrooms were very dirty all the time with mud, dirt, and large trashcans that were constantly full. The showers also were out of order. The squirrels are pretty vicious here and it is sadly due to the improper trash policy this campground has. The trashcans are simply metal trashcans without any type of lock on them. Throughout the day and the night, squirrels and birds would get the lid off the trashcan and rummage through the trash. Unfortunately, it does not appear that the rangers of the campground do much educating on proper interactions with wildlife either as the vast majority of other visitors were also seen feeding the squirrels. It may seem harmless, but it is very unhealthy for these animals! 

The hike to the waterfall and the limekilns was pleasant and definitely pretty. It was a short hike and we completed both in about an hour and a half. The beach is also nice overall.

Month of VisitJuly
  • Review photo of Limekiln State Park - TEMPORARILY CLOSED by Megan K., July 9, 2019
  • Review photo of Limekiln State Park - TEMPORARILY CLOSED by Megan K., July 9, 2019
  • Review photo of Limekiln State Park - TEMPORARILY CLOSED by Megan K., July 9, 2019
  • Review photo of Limekiln State Park - TEMPORARILY CLOSED by Megan K., July 9, 2019
  • Review photo of Limekiln State Park - TEMPORARILY CLOSED by Megan K., July 9, 2019