Backcountry camping.

Camping review: Backcountry. It is$10/person/night with$10 overnight parking fee. Campsite 1 and 2 are closest to scenic views, and have shortcuts. If those are not available, campsite 6 is the closest when you go through the red-blaze trail.

The hikes to the campsites are up and down hill drastically(some places felt like a 80 degree incline) and are usually a two mile hike, so plan accordingly. There was plenty of dry dead wood available even after rain because if the canapes, we discovered carrying wood up hill was not worth it. Calculate how much water you need pr day, for drinking, cooking and cleaning your utensils. They recommend, when hiking or physically asserting yourself,.5 liters/person/hour and I agree. 

You WILL stand in about 2 inches of water in some areas when hiking so water proof shoes are almost a necessity. There is a shallow Creek with an orange clay bed running through the area. Only animals to watch out for are hogs(especially mother's with babies) and small coyotes, but we saw none of them. This is in the middle of no where and the nearest grocery store is about a 30 min drive, so plan accordingly. 

It is beautiful and the people running it are super super sweet and helpful. I loved my stay, just wish I had calculated my water a bit more accurately and that I had believed people when they said there would be enough wood before carrying that extra weight. Credit cards accepted for camping reservations and parking fees but not accepted if just hiking for the day. $5 day parking cash only.