One of my favs

I love this place so much. It’s far enough from town to have an amazing but close to a gas station if needed.

Not a ton of traffic at night. Sadly this place was victim of the recent fire and a lot of the awesome Joshua trees are black and look dead. I still love it.

Awesome camp site

This is a great spot. The drive here can be a bit rough if you come down cedar canyon. Cedar canyon and black canyon roads are full of washboard spots that makes for a bumpy ride.

No water or cell service at this site. They do have bathrooms. You do need to pay per night but they had no pencil or writing device so we couldn’t fill out the form. Ending up dropping a blank envelope in. Maybe bring a pen 😀

This site can be windy depending on when you go.

Great spot

This site is great. It’s right up against the side of the hillside which helps with shade. This is right off the Mojave road which was well traveled the day we were there. Groups of Jeep’s and trucks came by what seemed like every hour.

You will have cell service at this location. The area has spots of deep sand which you can get stuck in (we did but got out) so be aware of that.