
Not sure how people can be so cruel, kindness can go a long way. We stayed out here for about 3 months, in those three months so much happened, it’s unreal. Was informed a worker specifically frank“abuses his animals and had multiple taken and is a felon” well I’ve watched him have incidents with others and they continue to stick with him. May 26th around 7pm me and my fiancé were going to the dog park when the gate wouldn’t work, which it doesn’t half of the time. The high school worker told us to help him push up on the gate so we did. Frank pulled up and cussed out my fiancé saying“the gate was more than his yearly paycheck” called him“dumb”“stupid” a“f***ing idiot” and so much more. I rolled down the window and all I said was“it wasn’t just him” and he kept telling me to shut up. We went to talk to the manager Crissy and she told me“she isn’t a kindergarten teacher, I shouldn’t have said anything and the boy is 12 why would I listen to him”(he’s in high school and a worker)“nothing she can do”.. if you’re reading this.. you probably went about your night and never thought of it again, I spent days thinking about it, and playing it back.. You never know what goes on in someone else’s life, nor their story, a little kindness could’ve helped this place a ton. If you move out here everyone will tell you it’s“sh**” the people are“sh**”“keep to yourself and don’t say anything” and“they want to move but no where is as cheap” thankfully we had a backup option that worked out perfectly. For the people that read this far, in the short time I was here a neighbor threatened to shoot me and my dog at 7:45am(nothing was done), another neighbor come in while we weren’t home, took my dog, and brought her back later never informing me. Can’t have a large dog pen, because we would look like trailer park trash, can’t have a wood table, looks like trailer park trash, can’t set a trash bag outside to take off, looks like trailer park trash. But then there are others that live in horse trailers. Very much a pick and choose place.