Now RV resort

Weve been camping here over decade. The state "improved" it into a antiseptic RV Resort. Formerly campsites had small semicircular drive for in/out any camp vehicle. This allowed open area where screen room, camp chairs and games could be spread out. Many backed up to dunes or the ocean.

There are now 40 foot asphalt driveways diagonal through the former grassy play areas. These leave a narrow space up to the next wide asphalt driveway. Perfect view of the next RV.

Asphalt absorbs 90 percent sun heat. A 100 degree day will have asphalt surface temperature 160 degrees.

The former open dunes down to the beach are cordoned off by large wood post fence and backed by snow fencing.

This was not designed by anyone who camps. The Secretary of Interior should bring the people responsible in August and have them walk throughout barefoot. Then employ someone to restore this once great campground.