Two complaints

I stayed in B loop site 72 (which is all the way down before looping around) and the closest food locker was at least a .10th of a mile back towards the entrance. It was too far to walk back and forth with my things so I drove them. But in order to do that I had to go out then come back in since the road is one way. I found out later there was one closer near the bathrooms but it can’t be seen from the side I was staying on. Speaking of bathrooms, there was no soap - not even a dispenser. So everyone has no choice but to touch the door with their dirty hands. If this is done in light of bear presence, then there should at least be a panel on the bottom of the door to allow for the door to be opened with a foot.

One relaxing night

This camp has a lot of both comfort and entertainment. There’s a petting zoo and a mini water park. The bathrooms are an individual room with both toilet and shower stall. There is a laundry facility. Found greater comfort and service here than if I had parked my Roof Top Tent at an RV site and it was $20-$30 cheaper per night.