Pretty Good, A Couple Negatives

Pros: Was a decent site, nice fire pit at #2. Great view of the river. Lots of trees but still get the sun peeking through and good sun bathing on the river bank.

Cons: tree roots everywhere. Hard to find flat ground for a tent because of the roots. Gotta watch your step everywhere. Neighbors are VERY close, too close for my liking. If you don't whisper your neighbors will hear every word. Mosquitos were pretty bad. Might be a little lighter during another time of year. We were there mid-June. No wood left near the sites. If you're going to procure your own wood better be prepared to do a few hours of labor.

Very good camping

Went with the family in mid May on a perfect weekend weather-wise. If you drive past the first couple grass campsites and continue on the narrow road with water on both sides, just off to the right is a single secluded campsite amongst the tree. The best site there imo. privacy, lots of trees so the site gets a good amount of shade but sun still pokes through, perfect. 

Mosquitos weren't so bad that it affected us but we all had a few bites. My only knock on this site, which isn't much, is that you can see homes from the sites. What can I say I like to feel like I am far from everyone. 

Good site to camp for a family.