Stunning Space for Small Vehicles

Everything about this place is gorgeous. The 360 views from the top are incredible. I didn’t go down into the valley to see what was available but a man came through and mentioned there were options there too.

On the top of the ridge you’re a little limited for spots but it wasn’t busy enough to cause me an issue. My closest neighbor was a few hundred yards away just like I like it.

I car camp in a small SUV and the road is definitely not as well worn in as others. You’re also pretty close to the sides of the mountain on a winding rock path so larger or trailered vehicles are probably not ideal.

The wild horses are active. I saw them in the neighborhood coming through and they came through camp a few times in the evening/night. Dog didn’t love it but they gave us about 30ft of space and didn’t bother much.

Love this spot but definitely keep size and safety in mind.