Breathtaking Views and abundant wildlife

Upon our arrival in Grand Teton National Park, Colter Bay Campground was our first night of camping during a massive 5 week/ 10,500 mile road trip during the Summer of 2021.

Our initial impression upon arrival in Colter Bay Village, was that Colter Bay was a well spread out campground, with plenty of parking, facilities, activities, and absolutely stunning views of both Jackson Lake and the various peaks of the Tetons themselves.

Upon getting acclimated with the various loops of the campground, we headed for the quasi beach area on Jackson Lake and went swimming. Jackson Lake was so refreshing after driving with no working A/C.

We watched a gorgeous and colorful sunset dip over the Tetons from the Willow Flats Overlook. Then returned to camp. Then we woke up early to experience sunrise and took in the array of colors and early rising wildlife that were roaming in the grassy areas not too far from Rockefeller Pkwy.

The only negative about our campsite was the mosquitoes. Apparently the little green shrubs/ evergreen bushes around the tent area are nesting grounds for the blood suckers. We used citronella candles near the sleeping area to try and keep ‘em at bay, but to no avail.

We enjoyed staying at Colter Bay, but will experience the other campgrounds when we return to GTNP, before returning to Colter Bay Village.