Great spot for an overnight or for a weekend

I love this spot. Its right on the trail, it also allows for you to drive right up to the campground and park your car, set up camp and then head out for a hike. It has some spots closer to the parking area and others back away from it by a couple hundred feet. There used to be water available but that spicket is well past it "sell-by-date". The closest store is a 10-minute drive. Hiking is great. There are some areas where after rain it becomes "pools" of water making staying dry a bit difficult. The trail is being added to. At some point in the future, you can start at the ocean and walk across the state to the border of North Carolina and Georgia. The low country side is going to be flat walking with some minor up and over terrain. Hills don't show up until you get more west. Snakes are probably the worst thing you'll come across, however most want to get away from people unless they feel a need to defend. So, keep your eyes open, I've stumbled across a couple laying on the trail just trying to get sun and warm up. Once my presence was recognized they get away as fast as possible. Stay safe and keep your eyes and ears open.

I didn't know what to expect.

I love hiking and camping. However the descriptions of this place in reviews here and elsewhere provided very little info and once I got out to the trail realized how different it was to what I expected. It is a near vertical hike the first mile with 90% or more being over rock gardens. Not some rocks littering the trail. I think the trail used to be a stream or creek. It doesn't wind it's way up the mountain, someone picked a side and said "we go up from here, straight up". There are campsites but the first campsite was over a mile in. We watched the top of a tree fall through the forest, cool to see but worth being on the lookout as it seemed quite a few trees had tops that were dead or dying. We had a great time once we were through the crucible that is the first mile. I just want to let anyone know what to expect. I carried 30lbs in my pack, it was exhausting; I haven't climbed something like this in a few years so I wasn't ready for what this trail had. If you're like me just expect it to suck for a while. If your experienced in mountainous hiking you should have no problem.