Andrew L.

Vancouver , WA

Joined June 2020

Nice campground by the river

Nice and well maintained campground by the Imnaha River. Plenty of sites with a decent distance between them. Would recommend.

Nice Campsite by River

Hurricane Creek Campsite is super nice. Sits right along Hurricane Creek and has a lot of well maintained spots. My one caution would be that if you have dogs keep them on a leash because if they were to get in the creek that would be all she wrote. That creek is appropriately named as it really moves.

First to Review
I wouldn’t call this a campground

I camp in a van and am not super picky where I lay my head. This place, however, was kinda sketch, full of busted up broken down cars and right by the road. I mean, would I sleep there If I had to, yes. I didn’t have to so we moved on.

Forest Service RD Closed to campground

As of 06/18/2020 the road to this campground is closed. Tried to get there but couldn’t. Big steel cable across the road coming in from the Pendleton side.