Van kitchens. What are your must haves?

I have a fully functioning chuck wagon type kitchen in the back of my van. I do NOT want to cook inside my van where we sleep,… the smells!!! I don’t want to sleep with cooked salmon and garlic smells
So I have the back 2 feet of my van turned into a great space. I have space under the bed that holds tons of stuff that is not used daily. I have a microwave induction burner and an air fryer and a small BBQ and some pie irons and a few things that may or may not get packed depending on the trip. I am known as the microwave queen, and can whip up all kinds of goodies when out and about.
I have an old cooler and a freezer thingy that work great for just me and hubby I have been known to make full on fancy dinners in rest areas.
I carry an emulsifier for milkshakes and margaritas. I have a small bar bag for cocktails and have been known to travel just for the local foods.

I am always curious what everyone else has

Fridge, microwave, Mr. Coffee, George Foreman Grill