Little Tybee Island

I need the Sand and Sea. I’m a tent camper. I know Tybee beaches are very crowded, but I’ve heard the Little Tybee Island, is not so crazy as it is only accessible by boat.
I’ve been on TheDyrt of course and checked that out. Not a big hotspot (yay!!!) so only a couple reviews. Can anyone tell me more about this option? Thanks in advance!

Hi Vickie! I know you posted this several months ago, but I was one of the first to write a review on Little Tybee, so feel free to ask any specific questions if you haven’t made it out there yet. We did it with kids (they were 3 and 5 at the time), and I would absolutely go back. The biggest pieces of advice I have are to just go in very well-prepared for the elements, and make sure you know what the weather/tides look like and have a way of monitoring for changes in weather while you are there. Otherwise it’s just like any other primitive camping trip. The hardest part for me was just the lack of fresh water on the island and having to plan for that, which is hard with kids who are very messy and need a lot of water, and I sliced my foot open on some oyster shells so we had to use freshwater for first aid.

I have visited many times and I love staying at tybee island. The dolphin boat ride was exciting and I saw a few dolphins, even saw them surfing the wave in front of a container ship. I recommend this place for a long vacation stay because there are lots of activities to do.

Visit Tybee Island too if you want to experience sandy beaches, surfing waves, soft breezes to unique wildlife in georgia islands, besides its beaches the island also hosts lots of events. It is the perfect place to visit if you want to relax.