It's Van Tour Time

I would love to see what everyone’s van looks like. What your favorite thing about your van is and your least favorite or thing you would like to change. I find so much inspiration in seeing everyone’s space and how it functions!!!

Here’s Trusty Rusty. (now has more stuff in it)


LOVE IT!!! Rusty is a fun name as well!!! Do you have a Max Fan or Fantastic Fan??

Nice to see a little more! What do you find you use as a desk/workspace?

I just sit in my camp chair, or on my cooler when I’m in the van. Don’t really feel the need for a dedicated workspace when I got a laptop


Here’s mine, short 6 min. vid.. 2019 Ram Promaster 1500 136 wb high roof.

looking fresh! great build :slight_smile:

Super nice build @Vanpe_Diem. Some great ideas there for people to use!

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I have a video for my progress thus far with my van… I opted to do the No Build to start off before putting any framing inside so I don’t end up wasting space in the small area I have to work with.
NV200 Tour

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