Help a college student

Hi! My name is Angela and I am a business major in Washington state. I am taking a business planning class and am using the idea of an campground as my business. I need to get responses to a survey I created for an assignment. I have had friends and family take it but need more varied responses. If you could help, I would greatly appreciate it! The survey is only 10 multiple choice questions and completely anonymous! It only takes 2 minutes. This is not a spam post for some corporation, it’s just me. I just need more responses to put in my project. If you have any questions you can ask!

Hello! This is interesting. I’m looking for a reliable resource for writing reviews. Do you know how to help in this matter?

That’s a good survey! Thanks for sharing with our campers and best wishes on the business project!

Cheers to adventure!
Amy - The Dyrt