Favorite things to make for dinner while camping

that looks so good! Made my mouth water!

We just got a travel trailer and went on a month long trip. One thing I did that worked really well is for weeks in advance, I cooked extra of what ever my meal was and used the actual bowls from the camper to get a good portion size and used a food saver to vacuum seal up the “left overs” Then I froze them flat in the freezer. If you have things with a lot of liquid, you have to semi freeze so the food saver doesn’t draw in the liquid as it seals. When camping, I got a large pot of water and heated. Then I dropped in which ever bag of deliciousness we were having and let it boil for 15 or 20 min. Remove with tongs, snip a corner off the bag (if liquid) and pour into bowls. Otherwise, cut the bag open and remove contents. SO EASY and afterward, I used the still warm water from the pot to wash the dishes.


Great idea! I think I can use this car camping too!

Yeah, we do the same thing, but instead of making it at home we splurge and buy those Costco meals that come in sealed bags, like the pot roast or the ribs or the various chicken meals. Into the boiling water to heat, snip open to eat and use the hot water to clean up afterwards…


Anyone make pizza over the open fire and care to share?

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We’ve also done boil I bags, tho our food saver has a seal only option so no worries about liquids.

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@Kathleen_C You don’t say how many you will be cooking for. There are only two of us and we are pretty basic. One of our go-to meals is nachos which we have found is much easier than burritos and easily customizable. We make our own in 8" cast iron pans, cover with foil, and they are done on the camp stove within 5-8 minutes. If you want to get more adventurous, I purchased a book last year that has some interesting recipes: “Dirty Gourmet. Food For Your Outdoor Adventures” (Trudeau, Nielson, Kwan).

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I just found it at my library, thank you! Count depends on the trip sometimes 2 - sometimes 8… great recommendation!

I’ve only made pizza pudgy pies, delish! But I have heard the cast iron pizza is a good thing!

We stir fry chicken sausage, garlic, fresh spinach and cherry tomatoes together - sometimes serving over pasta, rice or quinoa


Looks so fresh! Thank you for sharing!!!


Aesthetically pleasing as well! :grin:

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Is that Gotham Steel?

We often do a lot of precooking for camping. It means we eat better than just hot dogs and hamburgers (which we definitely have sometimes!). I always do a big batch of french potato salad (potato salad with lots of fresh herbs), a hearty stew if we’re in cooler weather. I prep a quick pancake mix, breakfast burritos (freeze in foil), par-cook bacon. Lunches are always easy (sandwiches, meat/cheese/crackers and fruit). We always chop a bag of veggies for quick snacks. It means we always have really good hearty meals that don’t require much work in sometimes strange situations with maybe water being far for dishes or whatever.


no - some copper special we got at walmart

We prefer dutch oven pizza, dough in the lid, it’s amazing.

However, over an open fire we’ve also tried the Naan flatbread and those pizzas work as well. I don’t think it’s as yummy as dutch oven pizza but it definitely works.

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I was going to write about my pizza successes this summer but I’ll just reply here. I bought a Lodge Cook-it-All, which I only mention because it was key to amazing pizza in camp. I start with making my own pizza crust at home https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/now-or-later-pizza-crust-recipe . This stores well in a cooler and frankly, gets more tasty the longer it sits. Then pack your fav pizza ingredients.
An hour before cooking time, get a nice fire going so you have a hot bed of coals. Place the Cooks-it-All base (griddle side up) on the coals, and the lid (topside down) into the coals so they heat. The key to a cracker crispy (not burnt) crust is a hot surface and dome.
Roll out the dough (forgot a pin, use a wine bottle). Once hot and all ingredients ready to put together, I pulled the hot cast iron out of the fire, threw on a lot of olive oil and then the raw dough. If you don’t want to use olive oil, spread a generous amount of corn meal on the hot surface before putting the dough down.
Quickly assemble the pizza and put back on the coals, covering with the hot dome. This is going to cook quick (5-7 minutes) and will come out crispy, cooked and oh so good in the woods. I seriously have not been able to reproduce this in my kitchen oven.

rolling pin
corn flour
olive oil

pre-made dough (make at home and put in a plastic bag or tub in cooler)
sauces, cheeses, meats, etc.


We pre make some dinners at home and use boil in bags. Eggs and pre cooked meats. No seasonings necessary because the meat is usually salty. Break the amount of eggs you need, add meat, seal the bag. Baked beans and kielbasa with chopped veggies. Cooked rice mix and chicken. This way we only use water that can be heated over and over, leaving a clean pan for many meals.

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So smart! I never thought about that, but what a GREAT idea, you can just reuse the water! THANK YOU!!