Fall backpacking trips with consistent water in southwest

This month - My friend and I are looking to backpack in Arizona or Southern Utah. He’s looking to hike between 10-15 miles a day for a 4-5 day trip. Any backpacking recommendations where water is plentiful in this area?


I haven’t researched anything that long, but have to imagine the vastness of Grand Staircase would be full of options, though Canyonlands might have more that’s central to water with the Colorado & Green Rivers.

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I would take caution at this time of year. You will not find an abundance of water in the SW. And right now with the current draught precautions, i would possibly rethink. If you do go, like always, have an itinerary, know your possible limitations of water, and mileage obtained. I lived in Az, for over 20 yrs, and found it quite difficult year-round to find a water source to drink or obtain water from. That included Northern Arizona and Southern Arizona. Pack super light, Safe travels!!

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Just wanted to pop-in again and say that we went to Coyote Gulch near Escalante, UT. Was absolutely beautiful and consistent water throughout


Fantastic!! Thanks for the update! Did you follow a river?

yup! It’s 5 miles hike to the gulch and then once you’re in the canyon, you follow a river for the next 8.

Just found a pretty thorough guide if you want to read more: https://www.cleverhiker.com/blog/coyote-gulch-backpacking-guide

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