Amateur Radio and RVing

Who else out there loves using Amateur Radio while RVing?? We sure do!! What’s your call sign?? Mine is K6AMS. I especially enjoy using the digital mode FT-8 while boondocking. I also keep in contact with family and friends using Winlink to send and receive email via the airwaves. No internet needed at camp!! I’m a nerd I know.

My set up works really nice! On January 25th, 2020, I won the long distance challenge using the digital mode FT-8 while at Quartzfest 2020. I made that contact 9,086 miles away using my Elecraft KX3, KXPA100 amplifier, SOTABEAMS two-band 20m/40m dipole antenna system (PDAS-200) mounted on my Jackite Thick Tip Fiberglass Antenna Pole. So fun!! If you’re looking for a Jackite pole, I have them in my store at 31 feet tall.

Aaron M. Scullin awarded DX Champion

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Charlie K9CWM here: My form of amateur radio that I enjoy is Allstar and I am primarily active on the 27339 East Coast hub nets and 27225 Philly Hub. We use a hotspot to connect to the internet in conjunction with our Allstar node. To call me connect to my 43872 hub. If I am on the air I will answer. The East Coast Reflector Tech Net is on 8PM EST every Tuesday.