13 tips for camping with kids

Camping with kids can be a lot of fun. You get to spend time outdoors, enjoying the fresh air and nature. But it can also be a little daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before. Here are some tips to help make your camping trip a success!

  1. Choose a campsite that is appropriate for your family.

Make sure there are plenty of activities to keep the kids entertained, and that the site is safe for children. Make sure the site is level and has plenty of room for your tent or trailer.

  1. Bring the right gear.

For example:

  1. A tent, sleeping bags, it’s up to how many people you have.

A cooler full of food and drinks, trust me, you will love it.

Cooker: Prepare your cooker according to the food you prepare. (I think fuel and a frying pan are essential)

If you are camping in a tent, be sure to pack a tarp to put under the tent in case of rain(check the weather)

A Pull&Push WagonChillcamping Push&Pull Wagon can hold all the groceries and transport goods easily. The Push-Pull design also allows children to participate in the “work”.

Extra toilet paper and paper towels. Bring a little more than you think you’ll need. You won’t regret it.

Shovel or hoe: They are very useful.

  1. Be sure to bring plenty of food and drinks.

As well as snacks for the kids. Kids are very active in camping, and they may be hungry from running around before you set up the tent, so snacks are also very important.

  1. Come prepared with games and toys to keep the kids occupied.

And take time to relax and enjoy the great outdoors. With a little planning, camping with children can be a fun and rewarding experience!

  1. About teenagers.

If you have teenagers in your group, it’s nice, you have a lot of extra labor, and they don’t ask you to take too much care of the daily living, but one thing we need to consider is: respect the privacy of teenagers, we may need a separate tent for them, especially girls, this age is very concerned about these.

consider bringing two small tents or a larger tent with a separate screened “room” for your privacy-craving teenager. Having a separate sleeping area gives older kids a little independence and some control over their domain.

Of course, they prefer taking pictures and playing with their phones to helping you cook and set up your tent. Well… They are children after all. But you can consider setting some reasonable limits or expectations.

  1. Find teaching time.

This is the best opportunity to let children learn about nature, respect wildlife and teach them to care for the environment. Outdoor living should leave no litter behind.

  1. Stay safe.

Teach your kids how to safely use a campfire, and remind them not to wander off by themselves. Give kids a whistle and teach them to blow it if they become separated from you. At night, make sure they have access to a flashlight or headlamp. Stay safe around campfires and take precautions against insects and other pests.

  1. First aid kit.

It is also a good idea to bring along a first-aid kit in case of emergencies.and plenty of sunscreen and bug spray. (It’s also a good idea to check for ticks and other bugs before you set up camp)

  1. Bring the right clothes.

Dress appropriately for the weather and wear sunscreen when necessary. The most important thing is to check the weather, which will affect many of your decisions.

  1. Clean cloth and dirty laundry.

I think it is very necessary to have a big bucket for dirty clothes, don’t forget that you have children in your group. You must accept your child’s “intimate contact” with nature.

It’s a great way to make sure you don’t need to consider where different dirty clothes are placed during the camp. After returning home, you don’t need to wrap each package to find dirty clothes, throw it directly into the washing machine.


Keys, wallets, phones, chargers, electronics…It’s best to keep these important things away from food. Once children start running, it must be very chaotic, make sure to put them in a carefully thought safe place.

  1. Anticipate Possible Challenges.

You have to know the basic facilities of the camp in advance, such as places to go to the toilet, and places to bathe. If not, you should also have a backup plan. For example, travel toilets

If the camp is noisy, you need earplugs.

  1. Take photos.

Record the beauty of the moment. Good memories will make the child beg to come back. Creating memories will last a lifetime, and even after they grow up, they will look back fondly.

Camping with young children doesn’t have to be a scary proposition. Accept that you won’t have a perfect experience on one or two camping trips, but you can take note of your shortcomings and try to do better the next time. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can make it a fun and memorable experience for everyone involved. If you have any great tips for camping with kids, feel free to leave me a comment below.