Scenic Beach State Park Campground
Reviewed Mar. 4, 2021

Beautiful views and well maintained

Spacious campsites with tons of privacy tucked back from the road. In the off season only the front section of the campground is open, but thats not a problem since maybe 5 other sites were occupied. Everything was very well maintained and I frequently saw the camp host driving around and stopping to clean up various sites. $20 a night for all sites during the off-season. Cell service was usually one to two bars.

The bathrooms were clean with flushable toilets and were stocked with soap and TP. I didn’t check out the showers.

The best part about this campground is the beach. Its a short walk down from the campground. It has beautiful views of mountains across the water on a clear day. There’s lots of picnic tables in the area. The beach itself is covered in rocks and oyster shells. When I was there it was almost always totally empty besides myself. Nothing better than a beautiful view all to yourself!

  • Review photo of Scenic Beach State Park Campground by Amy , March 4, 2021